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29/June/01 致:網主
本人於2000年尾考獲電單車車牌後,因沒有經驗,所以頭Fork冇油、車呔硬化、波子盤鬆、極力子生z都未有發現,以$8500購入一部96年二手AN125自動羊,使用一個月後因多次壞車才發現問題。經朋友介紹到土瓜灣木廠附近某某電單車行進行維修,結果車行替我更換極力子全套,所謂老友價$2650。這次被朋友安排放血後,才知道要自己去選擇一間忠誠、合理收費之車行的重要。因需要換呔並已在市面請教多位綿羊用家,決定選用Dunlop TT91並從雜誌上資料詢問了6間車行,其中車?城售價最平每條$400,但裝拆收費每條$50,結果選了新蒲崗富力車行,2條 一套售$850(連裝拆)。
到達富力車行後,向柜面女職員確認收費$850一對TT91,便同議交易換呔,因尾呔鑼絲積死而技師花了半小時去處理,並發現尾迫力皮到期建議更換,年青技師十分有禮並有耐心向本人解釋一切不懂之機器問題,增進不少保養常識。不幸離開時小羊死火,經技師馬上檢查調較,沒有額外收取任可費用,而老板娘Connie 態度熱誠並多次叮囑新牌的我要小心開車並要多加練習。本人從事服務性行業多年,絕對認同、滿意富力車行之專業服務及收費。
祝:貴綱業務蒸蒸日上!  Louis louis2lau@hotmail.com 


28/June/01 Sorry to bother you but would you so kind to tell me if I can find a motorbike for rent for a day in HK??  I have looked around and could not seems to find anything...Thanks in advance for your advice!  Regards  Tian tyytse@jos.com.hk 
No one will rent you a bike for one day in HK.  Due to the risk factor/insurance policy and the profit margin,  I don't think there is still have motorcycle rental business for individual biker.  Good Luck!
所提供儭禤さ鴽痧u係(無價寶)黎,你地鴾u夫無白費,多謝各位ibike 勞苦工高鴾u作人員,我呢
個新牌仔向你地各位致萬二分敬意.   good job !!!     Barman 敬上 barman@hongkong.com  
27/June/01 Dear Ibike,
I want to know whether there is a difference between the Honda SP1 selling for $98,000 at Ho Wun, and the one selling at Kelly for $110,000.  Is the one at Ho Wun the domestic Japanese version which is not full power, is that why it is so much cheaper?   Steve topmansteve@hotmail.com 

As far as we know, Ho Wun not only importing bikes from Japan, but also buying from North America and Europe as well. So you better check with them.  (Full power should be Europe Spec. version.)
本人剛趕得及在22/6/01考到個無P字既電單牌,好想買部二手車?,想問Virago xv400與 Virago 400 有何分別,第一部車買Virago 、Magna 定係 Rebel 好D。(請各位師哥師姐出口相助!謝謝!)
Lawrence Lee上 lawrence@parcloy.com.hk 
好難答你第一部車出邊隻好。因為唔知你想要乜。Virago XV400中的XV是廠方編號,沒有分別。你提到的三部車當中,我先假設全都是250,最易操控的排列是Rebel 250,Virago 250,Magna 250。樣子誰最漂亮便見人見智,但Magna250的側架太長,泊車時傾側度大,泊街位小心俾人話阻定。
25/June/01 Dear iBike web author,
I’m just writing to express my appreciation for the achievement of your term for the iBike Magazine. I ‘d discovered your web site since December last year and I keep calling at your site regularly to see whether any new stuff has been imposed.
It is, undoubtedly, a matter of fact that your web site offers a wide range of diversity of motor bike related matters and, in my perspective, is being heading to a very good direction.  Keep on the good work.  Regards  Nick Diamond  nick_diamond@sinaman.com 

Thanks for your appreciation & the continuous support.  We will keep hard working to make you more happy in the future.
 1.本人是新牌仔想買車代步上班,家在觀塘公司在機場,不知道應買那類形比較合適,本人比較喜歡250/400街車形和綿羊,但150形的羊如果每天走上100公里的話我驚部車好怏瓜,250形會比較好嗎?或250/400街車好?本人雖然是新牌仔但以經有六年125電綿的經驗,因本人之前在台灣工作所以經常開125電綿代步,本人170cm/60kgs. 買車預算在 $25,000內的二手車.   
每天都要走長途呢!400cc似乎較適合你。加上你有六年駕駛經驗,身材也適合駕駛任何車種,在【私人轉讓】中有部93/94 Honda Bros 650看過沒有,試試約車主出來看看,應該符合你的需要和預算。如果有信心,可以睇埋部92/97 CB750,有尾箱,有風擋,更實用。要快啊


 祝貴網事事順利   Mark borther4@netvigator.com    
22/June/01 Hi, first of all, I'd like to say your website is REALLY good!!  Can you name some brand and models that are suitable for a Beginner-Female-5'6''height-110-115lbs?  what range of rpm is suitable?  thanks!!  Yappri   yappri@yahoo.com 
Thanks for your support.  With your body height and weight, I bet you are strong enough to handle medium weight bike. Apart from standard choice - Honda CB250 / Rebel 250 / CBR250RR,  you can also try Honda Bros 400.
Sorry I don't understand what do you mean by " what range of rpm is suitable", do you mean the character of the bike's torque and the horse power distribution?  Of course a bike which emphasis more on torque is more easier to handle than a high rev hungry bike.  That's why Cruiser and Street bike are more suitable to new biker.
Hi i'm a new reader of your web site,wish you have a lot of reader day by day first~~and i want to ask some question about FZ400,because i want to buy it in this week,the question is 'what is the money for fix the bike,in every week?because i see it in the "READER'S REPORT",what is the parts need to fix in every week?thanks for answer my question, you can answer me in chinese because I just can't type chinese), from your honestly reader Jones jonesleung@hkicable.com 

18/June/01 編按:以下雖然是一封頗長的英文書件,但這是一位本地資深車友,對香港車壇的一些評論和看法。信中更向有需要買車的新人,建議該如何衡量售價是否合理,希望各位車友能花點時間觀看。

I'm a local Chinese, but I don't know how to type Chinese, or neither I have a written-board, so I write in English, and just so sorry for this.

I am a reader of this web site and found very interesting in reading the letters from reader, of course, especially those complaints.  Frankly speaking, buying second hand motorcycle from any shops in HK (apart from agents / dealers) is a very frustrated and painful thing here, or as well as repairing and maintenance job. 
I remember about ten more years ago, there are many many bad guys and bad shops in HK.  They were not doing motorcycle business, they just want to cheat any customers.  The most case is after you paying deposit, desire to buying that motorcycle, and when you go to settle the payment and take away your bike, they will give you another one of which just didn't worth that kind of money.  Once you want to cancell the buying and take back the deposit, four to eight muscle guys will suddenly, (really suddenly) appear, lock the door, showing their muscles . . . . .
That's good, you learned a lesson so far.  I didn't have this experience, but I did really hear a lot of this, some is from my friends.  After the economic crisis, there was no longer such shop, it is quite a good news for customers, but bad guys still exist . . . 
Today, the economic in HK is certainly not good, some bad trading methods come out again.  Of course, there won't be above case any more, because customers have grown up and become a bit clever, but just a bit clever, because the bad guys will change their methods.  Most of the cases are: they will sell you a quite OK bike (from exterior look), but how about the interior.   Yes, then you may buy a bike full of illness: the engine or electrical parts.  Who know, yes, you are not an expert, and they won't allow you to test the bike before purchasing.  Once the deal is make, they will just change the face.  And again the same story . . . .
I don't know how to deal with this successfully, maybe the best method is trying to make yourself an experts first or ask some good friends for more information.  But some tips maybe helpful.  Try to read and walk around as much as you can to study the price first.  For example, a PGM-3 R-verson now is just worth $10000-13000, so you can have a target.  If some body sell it to you at a price of $8000, you can consider it, once you are lucky, you win, but if the bike needs repair, the fees maybe around $4-6000, so the total cost is still around $12000-14000.  But nowadays, many people will sell you a PGM-3 R-version at a price of $18000-22000, but they claimed that the bike was newly repainted.  I tell you a whole repaint job worth about $4500 for a walk-in customer.  Actually, they are forcing you buying a $10000 bike, with their painting-job together to a really high prices.  But they won't promise you they will give you a healthy bike.  They will just give you a beautiful bike.  So, please deduct the paint-cost, (because you can ask people to repaint it for you according to your design at any time), and calculate the bike if is still worthy, e.g. a $20000 repainted PGM-3, after deducting the painting cost, the price should be $15500.  Is it worth, I don't have the comment.  Remember to add $4-6000 for a second hand unhealthy bike to the cost.
Another tips is through private selling, from magazine, or from this web, I think is quite Ok, at least you can ask the original owner ride the bike to a position for you to have a look.  So, the bike at least can travel, if the bike has problem, it will come out after traveling.  So, ask some experienced friends to accompany with you to have a serious look.  Maybe if you have good luck, you can ask for a test-ride.  But still remember, add the repairng costs as well, this would make you much happy.  I have bought quite good bikes from this method.
I think there are still very good motorcycle shops in HK, but the case is that even the big good shops could sell you a bike with minor problems.  Because, the bike has been located for a long time, even the shops didn't know if there is really problems.  So, the luck is depend if the shops have guarantee or not, as well as the manner towards business.  I really have bought a bike for some big shops with minor problems.  Some will help you to cure and some will just say it was not their business, or many many excuses.  No need to angry, because they are suicide.
Of course, for the shops, they should think about what they are doing.  No body kill them but they really kill themselves for bad business manner.  Frankly speaking, it is not the matter that we have or not have money, we just want to buy what is worthy. 
And again, media could play a great role now, e.g. this web.  So, may I announce to all the motorcycle shops in HK, please behave yourself.  You should have a long-eyesight for your business.  As you know, motorcycle business is very small business in HK, once you get a bad name, and being broadcast through media, then you will get a boarding pass to hell.
Hope some body could translate this for me.
Finally, I want to introduce some good shops to the audience, but just a pity, for those good shops in my experience, I could just read some complaints about them.  It seems there really were problems about their manner.  But at least one could be introduced, "Yiu Cheong" at Tai Kwok Tsui, the owner "Cheung" is a very nice and patience guy.  The only bad thing is his bikes are not so cheap, maybe the reason is he is really selling good bikes.  And once you buy a bike from him, he will try to minimize your maintenance costs in the future, saving your pocket.
Best regards, and good lucks to all you good friends.
Wong   ems@netvigator.com 
Glad to read your comments, thanks for sharing your valuable insight to all of us.
17/June/01 Sir,
I would like to know what is the different of the engine oil between private car and motorcycle. If the number are the same (15w45), can I use the use both oil interchangeable? Do we only concern the number  (15w45) while buying the engine oil ? Thanks  New Rider 95webbing@sinaman.com 

This is a very controversial topic. 
Motorcycle engine oil claimed to have some kind of special additive inside, and is more capable for bikes' engine environment - more revs, more heat and pressure, and is more suitable for bike's multi-plate wet clutch design (bathing in engine oil, which is different from cars' clutch design). 
But I read a report years ago, arguing on this topic.  The lab report demonstrated top quality cars' engine oil are also suitable for motorcycles..  No harm or damage was found in street usage.  For more information please see http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/8951/mc_oil.html
Besides the Viscosity (W), there are three major group of engine oil, no matter for car use or motorcycle. Starting from the cheapest oil - Mineral, semi-synthetic and fully synthetic engine oil.  Fully synthetic engine oil claimed to be more stable in extreme high temperature and pressure, and can maintain sufficient viscosity retention to protect engine parts. There are also different standards developed by SAE, The Society of automotive Engineers, which classify the engine oil grading by two letters - S(x), e.g. Sg is better than Sf.
Dear Editor,
I am a New Rider, and I have recently bought a Bandit 400, and the tires are Bridgestone BT-39 Front 110 70/17, rear 150 70/17. May I know that is it suitable?  And the main point what I want to know is how do I know the suitable pressure both each tire, say 28 psi, 30psi? Except the way you taught, I mean seeing the tire shapes, as it is difficult to see for me.  This is because once, I go to petro station, and test it, found that the front was 28.5 and rear was Only 14. Thx.
Not sure about the flat ratio, but tires size is correct.  For tire pressure inspection, you can use your thumbs to estimate the tire pressure is sufficient or not, just like checking your bicycle. The meter in Petrol station is not 100% accurate, but the variation should not far enough to show your rear tire only got 14 psi. Make sure your rear tire is not punched by any sharp object.   
16/June/01 Dear Editor,

I found my bike's front tyre pressure is getting low,however I can't refill it because I can't get a right nozzle in petrol station. It is because the nozzle is very "straight" and my bike has two brake dishes at the front wheel that make the nozzle can't be fit into the tyre.  What can I do ? Can I just going to an unknown garage and seek the help from the technician ? Do I have to pay for it ? I am much appreciate if you could help me. 
Thanks and best regards, An EL400 driver noel_fung@yahoo.com.hk 

Well understood your situation, please go to any bike shop with the air pump facility, they should be glad to help you out. If the guy is smart enough, he will not charging you any money in return for establishing long term relationship.  Then go to find a nozzle extension or adaptor, so you can pump your tires more easier in the future.

本人想買Runner 180 VXR,但有少許問題,聽講上一代原裝2衝(SP)之頭避震為行雪油,故很多車友都更換。請問新一代(4衝)之頭避震除了改做正ford及加大外,是否同上一代(2衝)之倒ford一樣,ford芯行雪油。希望主持人代為查證。祝貴 網站事事順利! 忠實網友上. Winson@bike.com.hk  


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