31/May/01 |
1 我成日聽d人話要洗"cup",
2 我買魖恭b年,想拎佢做bodycheck,大約幾錢?通常會檢查d乜?
thx!! Raku ryushin@hkstar.com
"cup" 是化油器carburettor的香港通俗叫法。化油器的作用是隨著不同轉速來抽取適當份量的汽油,使之和空氣混合霧化,以供引擎燃燒。正常健康的電單車無需洗化油器。但如果油缸生蛂A汽油有雜質,或在油缸有油的情況下存放超過數月,電油開始變質,化油器可能會積聚雜質或不利燃燒的沉澱物,便需要拆開清洗。
31/May/01 |
執事先生: 你好!
本人有台93 Steed 400,行走已46k,問題如下:
2. 車子亦開始乏力,若是壓力問題(通常車行都是洗東換西,事後依然故我)又如何維修處理?
貴唔貴? 架車冇力,是你習慣了它的馬力,還是真的肯定機器有問題?耗油量有否大幅上升?如離合器有輕微打滑,也會影響動力傳送。
3. 頭 Fork 彎了少許,如何彈正?
4. 車身想有點改裝,有什麼好介紹? 商號地址?
Kam kam_lai@hkbn.net
29/May/01 |
2)"啡呤" 係咪等如 "啤呤"..
3)平軑, 低軑同高軑有乜唔同?
謝謝!! anton leung anton_leung@hotmail.com
29/May/01 |
其中有幾款較為喜歡,有: Yamaha Majesty 250/ Honda
Foresight 250/ Suzuki AN250
但在街上所看到的大部份都是 Majesty 250居多,
其他兩款卻較為少見, 想請問是否此兩款不好嗎?
在車主報告中並無提及Honda Foresight這款車,
三款之中那款會較為好, 請提供一些意見,
Frankie ff62chan@hotmail.com
Foresight 250因為風擋和把手連成一體,和以往Freeway250分別不大,欠缺豪華感,但操控則最靈活最似綿羊。座下空間也十足。
- Freeway250 (萬多元), 舊款Majesty(兩萬多).靚仔有型
- Forza 250(新車五萬多,二手四萬餘),or 新款Majesty.(新車五萬,二手四萬以下)
29/May/01 |
Dear Editor,
My name is bobo, your website supporter. Recently, I read the
article from your website regarding spark plus. The
content is good. May I suggest to your website to organize a forum which enables
us to ask some questions relating to our motorbike. If I have some problems relating to
motorcycles, can I send
email to your expert/ experienced drivers?
Thank you for your attention.
bobo 97074817@plink.cityu.edu.hk
Thanks for your appreciation.
As we mentioned at the section head of our "readers'
sound" section, we encourage new comers raising their
question to various motorcycle newsgroup in Hong Kong. Now
we have 9 newsgroup, although many members are duplicated, but
they will love to answer your question. So we don't think
we should build another forum, just to repeat the existing
newsgroups' functions.
Don't get me wrong, we always welcome bikers/potential bikers
send us email, and we usually reply it within 2 days. When
we think the content might be useful to others, then we will
post it in the "readers' sound" section.
28/May/01 |
Sam Wong <ptming@netvigator.com>
27/May/01 |
Dear sir ,
Could you tell me how much pressure I have to pump into tire,
Many people tell different number (eg. front 24 26,28 29
rear:27, 30 lb) . Which one is correct ????
I am riding SYM shark150 Tire front:MBR720 Front:100/90-12
MB61 Rear:130/70-12.
Please help me to be a safe rider !!!!!!!thanks , Lover rider
yip1238 <yip1238@email.com>
There is no
absolute number for tire pressure. It's all depends on
loading and your usage. If you are a heavy rider, or
always dual riding carrying a passenger, the tire pressure
should be pumped to the higher end. If the tire
pressure is too high, then you will feel the bike pumping when
hitting the road, and the road contact (grip) is not
If the tire pressure is
too low, then you will see your tire wearing out very fast, and
suffering slow reaction when turning the bike. Try
26/30 psi first, if not satisfy on it, then try to release the
pressure a little bit each time to find out best pressure fit
your needs.
25/May/01 |
Dear editor,
I am riding a magna 250, and I found that it has a poor handling
as long wheelbase (currently it's using dunlop 404) , I am
looking for best tyres (both dry and wet weather) to fit my
bike, but it's really difficult because of its unusual sizes
(front: 120/80/R17 Rear: 150/80/R15), Can u please to give
me some suggestion on some specific tyre brands and models?
Dassan Co dassanco@hotmail.com
Sorry, no idea
about magna 250 tyre selection. As Magna 250 is a baby
cruiser, the requirements of the tyre is not so demanding, any
touring tyre will do the job fine (no "dry" tyre"
for cruiser but only all-weather tyre).
25/May/01 |
Dear Author,
My bike is the time for replacing
the spark plug. The current spark plug I'm using is the normal
one, CR8E. In some newest magazine, I read that there is
a new aprk plug called "Iridium IX", it is the
product of NGK. In NGN official home page. it's performance is
much better than PLATINUM plug. I have some questions about
1. Is it available in HK, or already in the
2. What is the price, e.g. CR8E IX?
3. Does the engine require special tunning when
change the spark plug fomr normal to this new plug?
4. Are there anybody in HK already using this
plug and what is their experience?
I don't think
Iridium spark plug is common in HK motorcycle shops.
Although expensive cars already using iridium alloy plug as
standard parts for a while. From my understanding, using
this kind of spark plug do not need to re-tune the engine, but
wondering how many general riders can really feel
the improvement in urban road?
The main
selling points of iridium spark plug is lower voltage
consumption and more durable than platinum plug (around 30k
miles), where all sellers claimed that this plug can use in
more worser combustion environment such as turbo/supercharge
machine. From my personal point of view, unless you are
enrolled in endurance race, using correct specification
ordinary spark plug with periodical service is more than
22/May/01 |
Dear Sir,
Majesty 250"s tyre pressure
My Majesty 250'sGuide book give me following tyre pressure. -
Single Rider: front is 175KPa(1.75kg/cm^2), rear is
200Kpa(2kg/cm^2).- Two Rider: front is 200KPa(2kg/cm^2), rear
is 225Kpa(2.25kg/cm^2).Would you pls. clarify 3 questions for
me. Thanks a lot!
1. What is my tyre pressure in term of lbs?
2. Would you pls. clarify that above pressure data is
including `rider(s) body weight' or not?
3. I am riding in single but having a guest in sometimes. As
per theory, I need to increase tyre pressure when having a
guest. Actually, I will not to do it. So, my question is how
to use above data from my guide book?
1. My body weigth is 155 lbs.
2. Sorry about that my question may be too theoryical.
3. I will looking forward for your prompt advice! Thanks
Best Regards,Fung nfung2@hotmail.com
1 kg/cm^2 = 14.22 lb/in^2, so :
Single ride
25 psi 28.5
With passenger
28.5 psi
32 psi
The above figure is
assuming the rider & passenger are in average weight.
If you are not going to
adjust the tire pressure by each occasion, please keep in
28/32 psi tire pressure, then try to release a little bit
pressure each time to find out what tire
pressure suit you best.
Thanks so much for your speedy
reply. it is the first time i would have a reply from the
website so soon. i can imagine how successful your website
is by experiencing such good customer services. I do
hope you and your team keep on doing these good jobs and
make your website the most wonderful site when
promoting motorcycling in HK.
You mentioned it'd be
difficult for a new driving licensee to register the
GSX750. would it be more positive if, say i am over 30
already...? since i did read some comment in your website
and found that age would be one of the consideration for
those insurance providers? is it correct?
Or what would be the most
probable choice a new driving licensee like me can
pick, as far as this problem is concerned? Thanks again
for your kind reply and look forward to hearing from u
soon. Frankie frankietalks@hotmail.com
Just checked with insurance
agents, they said nowaday "1 year driving
license + 23 Years old" is the starting point to
get a t/p insurance policy, the displacement of the bike
is not the major consideration . So....
20/May/01 |
19/May/01 |
本人現在正在學車, 打算考到牌後買RVF
400.RVF 400 是否已經是一款比較容易駕駛,
增加保費是否可以解決以上問題呢? (會貴多少?)或有沒有其它解決辦法呢?
偉 oxbow@netvigator.com
CBR250RR或Kawasaki ZZ-R250比較合適。P牌如未夠23歲想出保險真係幾惡搞,加上你又想出跑車......有錢都搞唔掂。
18/May/01 |
VIEW, RIGHT VIEW, LEFT VIEW, REAR VIEW最好有埋TOP VIEW,讓讀者能夠看清楚D部車。HK的電單車雜志都無希望貴刊考慮考慮。
槍神DAVID黃*曾經擁有HONDA SL230*
18/May/01 |
Dear Sir,
I just got the licence & want to buy a new bike. I
have 2 choices ( CB400 Vtec & Suzuki GS500 ) Which one
is better ? Can you give me some suggestions.
Besides, I have watched the Japanese drama called beautiful
life. Can you check & tell me what is the model of
that blue color bike.
Best regards. Billy tatmei@hongkong.com
Well, Suzuki GS500
is more practical and cheaper to run than CB400 Vtec.If
you don't care about your bike's appearance, and just want to
do the transportation job, then you should try GS500.
For those who are
conentrating on their social life, and trying to use the
bike to representing thier personal image,then CB400SF
VTEC is the choice.
By the way, BL's
bike is Yamaha TW200. Air-cooled single cylinder, quite a fun
bike for green rider.
17/May/01 |
road block或不幸發生交通事故,就會俾人揭發無掛P牌。衰多兩錢。(今時今日,CBR400RR已變得冇你想像中咁型)
萬個唔該∼ gzerof@hongkong.com
16/May/01 |
Josef Chan josefchan@yahoo.com
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