23 July 2003 電單車試用快易通繳付大欖隧道費試驗計劃 - 知識技術


Trial Scheme: Use of Autotoll by Motorcycles at Tai Lam Tunnel


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2003年八月十七日 至 十一月十六日

大欖隧道往元朗方向 Lane 2及往汀九方向 Lane 22


如想享受過隧道無需停站的方便,請在八月九日前填妥申請表格連同所需文件副本,傳真至2764 4338或郵寄至快易通有限公司收。


如有任何疑問,請聯絡快易通客戶服務部,熱線電話2627 8888。

Autotoll has been working on the feasibility to expand the use of Autotoll service to motorcycles. We are pleasedto inform you that we are going to conduct a three-month trial scheme at Tai Lam Tunnel. The result of the trial will be evaluated for our further study. We sincerely invite motorcyclists who are frequent users of Tai Lam Tunnel to participate in the trial. The details are as follows:

Trial period: 17 August to 16 November 2003
Location: Lane 2 (to Yuen Long direction) and Lane 22(to Ting Kau direction) of Tai Lam Tunnel

Participants with the testing Autotoll tags mounted on the motorcycles are allowed to pass through the above two
designated Autotoll lanes at Tai Lam Tunnel Uduring the trial period. To experience the convenience of non-stop toll payment at Autotoll lanes:

Please complete the application form and return it to us by fax (2764 4338) or by mail together with the copies of the documents required on or before 9 August 2003.
An Autotoll account with your toll prepayment made will be opened for you and an Autotoll tag valid within the trial period will be delivered to you by registered mail.

If you have any queries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 2627 8888.
Yours sincerely
Autotoll Limited

快易通網站: www.autotoll.com.hk


28 Feb 2003 爭取電單車使用快易通過隧道 - 車會動向


Sources: Alec Gore  Text: Dave


16Mar 03 運輸署回信

In response to suggestions from motorcyclists on the use of Autotoll lanes at tunnels, Transport Department had arranged the Autotoll Limited to conduct a site test at Tseung Kwan O Tunnel last April. The results of the test were not satisfactory as quite a number of the transactions could not be completed and under the circumstances, further action is required from the tunnel management companies to identify the motorcyclists for recovering the tolls. It is also observed that in general motorcyclists had to slow down their vehicles to a speed below 40 km/h in order to complete the transaction process. This sudden slow down of vehicles was dangerous to both the motorcyclists and other road users. We understand that Autotoll Limited is looking for ways to address the above technical issues. This Department will examine the issue from its impact on road safety and other road users when further information is received.Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Ming Pang 
for Commissioner for Transport





  04 Mar 03 快易通回信

Re: Toll fee system for motor bike users Re: 強烈要求電單車可以使用快易通服務繳付隧道費
Dear Sir/Madam 
In response to requests for using Autotoll service from motorcyclists,  Autotoll has been working on a possible technology solution. A promising technology has now been identified and subject to the agreement of the Authority will be tested at the Tai Lam Tunnel shortly after clearing some implementation issues.
Best regards
Autotoll Limited



Hong Kong Superbike的部份會員最近分別發信予運輸署,有關隧道公司和快易通有限公司,重申普羅騎士的立場和要求。其中一位會員Nick Pearson更去信去南華早報,敘述鐵騎士過隧道的苦處和踢爆有關當局虛假和空泛的回覆。鐵騎網誌收到HKSB其中位會員Alec Gore提供有關資料,並要求我們幫忙呼籲大家一起寫信去有關單位,冀望能以人海戰術,表達普羅騎士多年來強烈的心願。以下先看看刊登於南華早報當眼位置的來信。

Letter to Editor, South China Morning Post ...

Dear Sir.

Last year I wrote several times on the subject of fitting Autotoll tags to motorcycles. Several half-hearted replies were received, none very convincing.

I would like to bring this subject up again, questioning why motorcycles cannot be fitted with Autotoll tags. In my place of work, an Automated security system has been installed, with access only being granted to authorised users. The security tag is an Autotoll tag, issued by Autotoll; it is the same tag as used by vehicles passing through Tunnel toll booths. The sensor system is similar to that installed at Tunnel toll booths, with a single sensor in place.

I ride my own motorcycle to and from work and have no problem accessing my place of work using my own Autotoll tag. I carry the tag in the right breast pocket of my motorcycle jacket.

Can this system not be used by the various Tunnel companies? It seems so simple to use, far better than the "stop on oily road surface, put bike into neutral, take off gloves, fumble for change, hand change to tunnel staff, put gloves back on, annoy drivers behind me" system that I am currently forced to use. And on the same note, I note that motorcycle riders are still not allowed to use the 'exact payment' lane, even if they have the exact payment ready to pass to the tunnel staff.

Yours faithfully,
Nick Pearson




  以下是一位具運輸工程師認可資格的博士車友,Mr. Nathan W Jones( MSc, Phd, MCIT, MIHT),對快易通有限公司多年來否定電單車能使用快易通的論點逐點擊破的精彩中文抉要:
1999年,由英國運輸研究所的Richards et al研究報告指出,所有無線電子感應器操作的道路收費系統,只要經過調較便能探測到電單車的存在。即使偶有不能,也只需低技術的小改裝。研究報告的結論是電單車並不需要特別的探測儀器。電單車擺放標籤的位置甚至比汽車的自由度更大,風擋之後,上衣口袋、甚至是尾箱皆可。
安全性 電單車需要在滿佈油漬的收費亭側停車落腳,極易跣腳跌倒,造成不必要的傷害。
交通擠塞 電單車司機需要小心奕奕地停車、入空波、除手套、搵散銀、收好找贖、戴回手套後才可入波再開車,需時要多久?對後方車輛造成多長的阻塞?
公平原則 機動車輛的法律定義包括電單車在內,在繁忙時間電單車更佔路面使用率高達15%。電單車絕對有權利享受快易通所提供的服務。