駕駛車款: YAMAHA
Tricker 250
車輛製造年份: 2004
意外種類: 車輛碰撞
車主: j4dy
幾年前的事. 46駕了5,6 年, 剛脫26 P 沒多久.
普通的4線大路. 最右線轉右, 最左線轉左, 中間兩線直走.
紅燈,我在右2線. 排第2位. 右邊有一架46, 它後面有大貨車.
我突然想右轉, 以為自己駕46, 把車塞在右邊46與大貨車之間,
向大貨車揮了手. 他也揮回. (我的車塞進後太小看不到)
紅燈等了太久轉綠, 大貨車忘了我, 照開車.
no injury - i put my leg on the lorry bumper
crash at 0 speed, but bike was push down by
The lorry driver was sorry, I felt bad too. He
helped me bring up the bike.
I wasn't smart enough to check if everything's
ok b4 moving off and rushed off.
Later then realized had to spend $600 to fix the
汰盆 shift-off and a broken 手祭..
I was dumb enough to think that I was driving a
Should have just rush to the lane front and
overtake the lorry.
And should be smarter and check everything is ok
after the crash. Don't panic.
1. Remind yourself that I'm driving a bike, not
a car. Overtake the "bike" way.
2. Stay clam in crash and it's not always "my