2013 ZERO S ZF9 - 新車抵港 16 May 2013



來自北美的電動摩托車品牌Zero便給大家帶來好消息,因為Zero產品在2012年取得突破性進展,最新的無刷式電動馬達和鋰離子電池都有強化改 良,令到電池容量/充電時間/馬達輸出都有明顯改良。

Production: Jerry / Eddy / Dave  新車查詢:Yuen Ho Trading Co., Ltd.

2013年的Zero S,最高馬力達到54hp/4,300rpm,比起2012年增強了36%。Zero S分為兩種不同電容量的型號ZF-7和ZF-9。

香港政府購入的59臺Zero S便是高容量ZF-9,採用Z-Force Li-ion鋰離子電池,最大功率可達9.0kWh,極速可達142km/h。低速市區行車,續航距可達183公里,高速公路巡航,續航距可達101公里。



來自美國加州的Zero,在2006年由離任美國太空總署工程師Neal Saiki所創辦。公司得到美國加州能源委員會注資,令Zero可以專心研發最新電動馬達和電池。


Mr. John Lloyd / VP of Worldwide Sales / Zero Motorcycles

Mr. John Lloyd
VP of Worldwide Sales
Zero Motorcycles


ZERO Motorcycles 作為電動電單車首屈一指的製造商,於20135月正式進軍香港市場,16(星期四)於香港科學園舉行發佈會,美國廠方代表專程赴港作企業簡介及產品發佈,並邀得美國駐香港領事館商務署商務參贊邵思科先生以及環保署首席環境保護主任(流動污染源)何嘉文先生致辭,各大熱衷於環保電動車的機構均派員出席。

ZERO Motorcycles多年來不斷創新及致力研發一系列電動電單車。所有ZERO電動電單車均於美國組裝及生產,並供應至世界各地,其供應網絡由北美洲、南美洲、至歐洲、澳洲等地,不斷延伸。香港成為首個亞洲地區引入ZERO電動電單車。


ZERO S ZF-9採用ZF-9電池組,單次充電可行駛180公里(市區行程計),極速達142公里/小時,單次充電只需約港幣9.5元,相對一般最為省油的汽油電單車耗費低超過10倍,除此以外,保養費用相對汽油電單車亦更為低廉,既經濟又環保。

ZERO S ZF-9充電只需連接一般家用電源,使用隨車的標準充電線為電池充電(0%100%),需時約9小時;如選購外置充電器,同時充電,充電時間將縮減至4.9小時。最多可連接3台外置充電器,充電時間亦可倍減。


Mr. Richard Kenton
Director of Customer Service
Zero Motorcycles



專訪 Mr. John Lloyd
VP / Zero Motorcycles
Initially we will be deploying 59 MY 2012 Zero S Police and non-police units into five Hong Kong government entities. These include the Hong Kong Police, Airport Police, Agricultural, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Transport Department, and Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
The strategy in Hong Kong is initially focused on government fleet business as these entities have a perfect uses for our motorcycles and have the funds available to make key purchase decisions.

All of our current model year 2013 motorcycles are available for the Hong Kong government to consider in additional deployments and can procure these through our distributor Yuen Ho Trading Company, Ltd (YHT) in Hong Kong.

YHT is the Zero Motorcycles distributor for Hong Kong and provides both sales and after sales services on behalf of Zero Motorcycles.

All of our motorcycles are designed, developed, tested, assembled and quality checked in Scotts Valley, California (near Santa Cruz, California).

Zero Motorcycles prides ourselves with ensuring that each electric motorcycle produced is of the specifications that have been designed and tested. We recently relocated into a larger facility in Scotts Valley that will allow us to scale with the demand of our motorcycles and keep the competitive advantage that we have obtained over that last several years.

We are proud that all our electric motorcycles are originated, assembled, fully quality checked and shipped from our California facility.

Zero Motorcycles is superior in many areas but in particular four areas seem to be significant:
. Our Distributor and Dealer network definitely sets us apart from the rest of our competitors. Seeking out the best distributors and dealers in key markets followed with a sound market strategy that makes sense for each market allows Zero to deliver and support our customers at the level they expect.

Zero's intellectual property within our powertrain set us apart. Our patent pending technologies allows a superior balance between motorcycle performance, range, safety, and value. We are the first full line electrical motorcycle company that have ranges up to 220 km and top speeds over 150 kph.

Zero offers a full line of motorcycles (five models and two additional in Police/Security configurations) and have been shipping motorcycles since 2008. We have industry level experience to properly design and distribute the best electric motorcycles on the planet.

Our Zero Team sets us above the rest. We have a good mix of motorcycle industry experts (in many fields of expertise) as well as non-motorcycle industry professionals that together bring a knowledgeable mix together to build and maintain a growing company.

Zero stays focused, Our progress with our initial primary markets in North America and Europe allowed us to establish a foothold and hone our strategies that are our foundation of growth today.

Now as we expand into other markets, it is our partners (e.g. Distributors, suppliers, dealers, etc.) that will bring the local expertise in order to provide superior sales and after sales services that our customer expect.

In addition, we will stay focused on markets that can provide good venues for our electric motorcycles and have initiatives or goals that we can help them achieve.

Making electric motorcycles is not really the challenge at this point in our company as we have been at this for a long time. The challenge is really making sure that we understand our customers and the markets where these customers reside, and then making sure that our products meet these expectations.

So far it seems that we are doing a good job at this as evidenced by the full line of electric motorcycles that we have introduced over the last few years, and how well our Police / Security electric motorcycles are being accepted as sound alternatives to their transportation needs.






